These are the news contained in the label “asset-management”

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The tokenization of alternative investment distribution to individuals is a $400 billion opportunity

By leveraging tokenization, the alternatives industry can unlock an additional $400 billion in annual revenue. Wealthy individuals gain access to higher-quality portfolios and a wider range of investment options. Alternative asset...
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Token City on Capital Radio

Our CMO & Token City Partner, Rocío Alvarez-Ossorio Alvarez-Ossorio, took part in the Capital Radio (Business) show with Carlos Puig Sagi-Vela, to answer several questions: What is a cryptoasset? What kind of cryptoassets are there?...
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Unlocking the Power of Blockchain in Securities Markets

While the use of blockchain in the securities space may seem fairly new, the reality is that this technology has garnered significant interest from the financial sector for years now. The catalyst seems to have been the public release of...
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The Basics of Blockchain and How It's Transforming Industries

Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers in a secure, transparent, and tamper-resistant manner. This technology enables the tracking of digital assets and ensures that each...
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Understanding NFTs in the World of Asset Tokenization

Asset tokenization keeps revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with various forms of value. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, could revolutionize the finance industry by offering innovative solutions for asset issuance,...
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Blackrock Keeps Highlighting the Token Use in Asset Management

Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, the world's largest asset management firm with $10 trillion in assets under management, recently published his annual letter to investors, dedicating a section specifically to tokenized assets, also...

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