• Tuesday, July 13 at 10am
    Alhambra Venture
    July 13, Tuesday at 10h, Rocío Alvarez-Ossorio, Token City's CMO, will be participating at Alhambra Venture 2021. She will be part of the Round Table ‘Mujer e inversión’, with Adela Gimeno from ENISA, and WOMEN IN STARTUPS. The table will be moderated by Rosa Siles, managing director of Andalucía Emprende.
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July 13, Tuesday at 10h, Rocío Alvarez-Ossorio, Token City's CMO, will be participating at Alhambra Venture 2021. She will be part of the Round Table ‘Mujer e inversión’, with Adela Gimeno from ENISA, and WOMEN IN STARTUPS. The table will be moderated by Rosa Siles, managing director of Andalucía Emprende.