• November the 16th, Mendez Álvaro, 9, a las 16h
    Tokenized economy: the phenomenon that is revolutionizing the new era of finance





November the 16th, Mendez Álvaro, 9, a las 16h

Director and host of the show Negocios de Carne y Hueso on Radio Intereconomía.

Mariló Sanchez-Fuentes, Director and host of the show Negocios de Carne y Hueso on Radio Intereconomía

National Deputy and Spokesperson for Digital Transformation in the National Congress

Juan Luis Pedreño, National Deputy of the Congress of Deputies

Attorney specialized in Financial Regulation FinTech + CryptoAssets. Finreg360 Law Firm

Mariona Pericas, Attorney specialized in Financial Regulation FinTech + CryptoAssets. Finreg360 Law Firm

CEO of ArtsGain

Xavier Olivella, ArtsGain CEO

CEO of Slow Philosophy

Raul Sanchez, Slow Philosophy CEO

CEO of Token City

Yael H. Oaknín, Token City CEO & Founder

CMO of Token City

Rocío Álvarez-Ossorio, Token City CMO