The round has been tokenized by tokenization platform Token City. Tokenization of assets through blockchain facilitates new avenues of funding, ensures secure investments, and provides transparency, traceability, simplicity and...
Lawrence Wintermeyer interviews Yael Oaknin, CEO and Co-Founder of Token City on the Digital Asset Report. Yael explains how they’re the first to provide a digital assets marketplace for investors, unlisted companies, and asset...
Talking about the Token City model and how the DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) pilot scheme launched by regulators in Spain will benefit the secondary market for Security Tokens.
Yael Hernández, founder and CEO of Token City, is an experienced entrepreneur, as is Rocío Álvarez-Ossorio, business angel and CMO of Token City.
With some luxury speakers, at the Monteverdi club in Madrid, we talked to 3 experts in the crypto world to discuss from their personal point of view alternatives to face challenges and opportunities in the currency of the future....
Rocío Álvarez-Ossorio, CMO and partner of Token City, talks with other female entrepreneurs.
With Yael H. Oaknín, Founder of Adventurees and Token City
We meet with Token City, the startup that issues, manages and trades security tokens with its CMO Rocío Álvarez-Ossorio.
Software customized to the needs of each company allows for the launch of 'tokens' or digital asset trading platforms quickly and inexpensively
With Yael H. Oaknín, Founder at Token City & Adventurees. In 2021 she was selected as one of the leading women in the Spanish entrepreneurship ecosystem. She will share the keys to access investment, what mistakes to avoid and how to...
For Yael H. Oaknín, co-founder of Token City, the most important when entering the crypto world is to understand the underlying concept of its usefulness and the benefits it can bring us.
Sign up to harness the benefits of compliant asset tokenization through blockchain technology
We make sure you are good to go with a few clicks thanks to best-in-class KYC service
Buy and sell security tokens, make use of our services to tokenize assets or build your own marketplace