After several stock trading services in the US were forced to restrict trading Gamestop’s stock due to high risk, prominent voices
Companies can raise capital from investors by issuing blockchain-based security tokens. More tradeable, secure and liquid. Get in touch now.
Yael H. Oaknin, Token City’s CEO, gave a keynote speech at the Women Economic Forum Iberoamerica, together with Marielle de Spa, founder and Managing Director of TCKapital
The High Commissioner for Spain Entrepreneurial Nation promotes, for the first time in the country, the Entrepreneurial Education Week, an initiative to bring the educational community and the ecosystem of innovative...
A security token is the digital representation of a real-world asset – such as shares in a company, a bond or a house. By tokenized we means it is issued on a blockchain and represents ownership, a share in the profits, shareholder rights and...
Token City opened the doors to Colombian ventures to seek investment in Spain through financial asset tokens.
Adventurees Group, formed by Aventurees Alliance and Adventurees Capital PFP, has just launched in Spain the Token City platform. The new platform has reached an agreement with Grupo Linx Capital Investments....
On December 17, the Adventurees group has officially launched Token City, the first Spanish FinTech aimed at the comprehensive management of tokenized financial assets through blockchain technology.
Adventurees Group launches Token City, the first Spanish fintech for comprehensive financial asset management through Blockchain.
We are getting ready to change the world of alternative investments. December 17th at 5pm we're launching Token City, one of only a handful of companies around the world pioneering compliant tokenization of private securities through...
Earlier this year, the OECD released a report titled “The Tokenisation of Assets and Potential Implications for Financial Markets”
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